The group is involved into Phase 1 and Phase 2 activities :
LAr Phase 1 :
- trigger LTDB : RD Schaffer (staff), Stefan Simion (engineer)
LAr Phase 2 Preamplifier – shaper
- Physicists : Laurent Serin, Laurent Duflot, Sumit Keshri (post-doc), Konie Al’Khoury (PhD), Nicolas Morange, RD Schaffer
- Engineers : Olivier Boudigue, Aboud Fallou, Beng Yean Ky, Alexandre Migayron, A. Perus, Filip Rudnyckyj, Stefan Simion, François Wicek
- Engineers at Omega : Sylvie Blin, Selma Conforti, Pierrick Dinaucourt, Gisèle Martin-Chassard, Nathalie Segin-Moreau, Christophe de la Taille
LAr Phase 2 calibration board
- Physicists : Laurent Serin
- Engineers : Stefan Simion
past members

LAUROC test setup
LAUROC test setup with commercial FPGA board, FETB test test board and DUT plugged one into the other.

LAUROC irradiation at PSI - DUT mounted on plate for movable table
During LAUROC irradiation at PSI, the DUT has been mounted on a plate to be inserted on the movable plate for positionning in the beam

LAUROC irradiation at PSI - beaim centering
During LAUROC irradiation at PSI, beam alignement to the DUT to be irradiated.